Bhileag (Newsletter) 9th July 2023


Mon 10th July………10.00am CASTLEBAY

Tue 11th July……….11.30am NORTHBAY

(Requiem Mass of Donald MacCormick)

Wed 12th July…….. No Mass

Thur 13th July……….No Mass

Fri 14th July………….No Mass

Sat 15th July………..  No Mass



15th & 16th  JULY 2023

15th Sunday of Year A

Vigil (Saturday)….6.00pm  CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…9.30am   NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY




Recent Death: we pray for the repose of the soul of Donald MacCormick- “Dogan Ipeig”- of Earsary who peacefully passed away on Saturday 8th July in St. Brendan’s Hospital after a very short illness. Dogan was 85. Dogan will be received into St. Barr’s Church on Monday afternoon at 4.00pm and then on Tuesday the Requiem Mass will be in St. Barr’s at 11.30am and thereafter burial in Eoligarry graveyard. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Peigi and all the family, relatives and friends at this sad time. Eternal rest grant unto him O lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.


Weekday Mass: please note that there will be just one weekday Mass and it will be on Monday in Castlebay at 10am.


Fisherman’s Mass & Blessing of boats: today on Sunday 9th July at 2.00pm in Castlebay there will be the celebration of the Fisherman’s Mass and blessing of boats. If any choir members can be available to help with singing at the Mass. We are always needing volunteers to help set up. If you can be on the pier at 9.30am. After the Mass there will be fresh herring cooked. Also there will be a bucket collection to support the Stella Maris & RNLI.


Sea Sunday Collection: today Sunday 9th July all over the UK it is Sea Sunday. It is an important day the Church unites in prayer for those who live and work upon our seas. As we all know the sea can be a dangerous place and we depend on the sea for so much of our goods and food to be transported. At all Masses next weekend the 2nd collection will be for the Apostleship of the Sea/Stella Maris. You can also text SEA to 70460 to donate £5.


Wedding: we keep in our prayers Aonghas MacLean & Claire Rafferty who will marry in St. Brendan’s Church in Craigston on Friday 14th July. Fr. James MacNeil will be over from Oban to celebrate the marriage of Aonghas & Claire. We hope and pray it will be a wonderful day for them and their families and that the weather will be great too!


Mgr James MacNeil: will be here on the island to celebrate the wedding of Aonghas MacLean & Claire Rafferty on Friday. Mgr James has kindly offered to celebrate the Sunday Masses next weekend and therefore let Canon John Paul get away.


Canon John Paul: will be away from Tuesday 11th July to Thursday 20th July. Even though Mgr James will celebrate the Sunday Masses next weekend- however if there are any other emergencies (like funerals) then to contact Fr. Michael Hutson at St. Mary’s Church on Benbecula Tel: 01870  602221


Lourdes Parish Pilgrimage 2024:  we are looking at the 3rd weekend of May 2024 (possibly 15th May-19th May 2024?) for the Lourdes Pilgrimage. The pilgrimage will be for 4/5 days. The hotel will be the 4 star Jeanne D’Arc. Flying from Edinburgh to Toulouse and then a bus drive to Lourdes-about 2hrs 30mins drive. Flights will not become available until at least September/October this year-that is the reason for the delay in confirmation. However the best thing to do is to plan for the 3rd weekend of May 2024.