Bhileag (Newsletter) 6th August 2023
Mon 7th August……….No Mass
Tue 8thAugust…………No Mass
Wed 9th August………12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 10th August…….No Mass
Fri 11th August………..10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 12th August……….10.00am CASTLEBAY
12th & 13th August 2023
19th Sunday of Year A
Vigil (Saturday)…..6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses…..9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confession is every Saturday from 9.30am – 9.50am in Castlebay Church and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay Church
Tuesday & Thursday Mass: please note there is no Mass on Tuesday in Eoligarry or on Thursday in Northbay this week.
Prayers for the faithful departed: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Mary Toal from Roybridge near Fort William. Mary was the mother of Bishop Toal of the Diocese of Motherwell and of course was our Bishop as well as being one of our diocesan Priests. Mary Toal was a wonderful woman, filled with great faith. She loved the church and she was a great supporter of all Priests. She will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayer are with Bishop Toal and all the extended family. The Requiem Mass is on Thursday 10th August at 1pm in St. Margaret’s, Roybridge. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Mission Appeal of The Spiritans: Fr. Ricky Mallya from the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers) in Carfin will be coming to Barra to do a Mission appeal on behalf of his missionary order. Therefore at all Sunday Masses next weekend of 12th/13th August. Fr. Ricky will preach and tell of the good work of the Mission of the Spiritans. There will be a 2nd collection at each Mass for the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers).
Eoligarry Church 60th Anniversary: Eoligarry Church opened in 1963 and therefore this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Church of St. Vincent de Paul opening. The Feast day of St. Vincent de Paul is 27th September. Therefore Canon John Paul plans to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Wednesday 27th September in Eoligarry, probably in the evening. More details will be announced!
Visiting Clergy: we have Fr. Jim Walls & Fr Greg Murphy visiting the island just now. They leave on Monday 7th August. They are both in Dunkeld Diocese and working in parishes in Dundee. We hope they have had a good break on the island.
Castlebay Church Clock: it is planned that an engineer from Smiths of Derby Clock specialists will come this week. Arriving on Wednesday 9th August and leaving on Saturday 12th August. So let’s hope that he can sort things out and get the church clock and bell going again.
SPUC: is The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. SPUC wants a World where abortion is unthinkable and is raising awareness of the widespread problem of abortion coercion. This petition from SPUC calls for the UK Prime Minister to end the Government’s unacceptable funding of China’s totalitarian state. According to the Chief Commissioner of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, the UK Government sent over £60 million to China in 2020/2021. The Chinese state imposes forced abortion, sterilisation and infanticide on its own population. Please sign the petition form in the church to help SPUC defend unborn babies and their mothers by highlighting this terrible human rights abuse. You can also pick up the postcards for more information.