Bhileag (Newsletter) 21st April 2024
Mon 22nd April………No Mass
Tue 23rd April………10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 24th April…… 12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thu 25th April……..10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 26th April……….10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 27th April……….10.00am CASTLEBAY
NEXT WEEKEND: 27th & 28th April 2024
(5th Sunday of Easter)
Vigil Mass (Saturday)….. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confession: Saturday in Castlebay from 9.30am-9.50am and Saturday in Northbay from 12 Noon-12.30pm
Good Shepherd Sunday: today on the 4th Sunday of Easter we are asked in a special way to pray for more vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. We pray for those men and women who are discerning their vocation in the Church. The Risen Lord Jesus- The Good Shepherd- is constantly calling on more men and women to “come follow me” to the Priesthood or Religious life or to the permanent diaconate. It’s not easy to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd in our world and that’s why our prayers are so important to encourage those men and women to listen to the voice of the Lord Jesus.
Rosary & Benediction for Vocations: today in St. Barr’s in Northbay there will be Rosary and Benediction at 4.00pm. The prayer intention will be for more Vocations to the Priesthood & Religious life especially for our Diocese of Argyll & the Isles.
St. Barr’s Church Maintenance: it is planned that maintenance will be carried out externally on Northbay church and within the grounds on Saturday 27th April from 1pm onwards. Of course it will be weather permitting. Volunteers (young & old) are needed for this. Therefore if you are willing to help then please come along. Moran Taing!
Mill Hill Mission Appeal: recently we had a Missionary appeal made by Fr Bernard Fox of the Mil Hill Missionaries. There was a special collection taken up- Northbay collection was £495.30 and Castlebay collection was £865.65. Many thanks for your kind support and donations. Moran Taing!
Gift Aid Envelopes: can be picked up from Castlebay & Northbay church. Canon John Paul is sorry that the envelopes for the main collection and the 2nd collection for the Building fund are the same colour. The company who print them know that there should be two different colours but sadly they made a mistake with the order. Have you thought about signing up for Gift Aid? Please speak with Canon John Paul for more information.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Bishop Brian will come to the island on Saturday 4th May to confirm the 10 Children preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. The Mass will be in Our Lady Star of the Sea at 12 Noon. We pray for Mairi MacNeil, Niamh Davidson, Caralisa MacDougall, Sophie MacNeil, Rachel MacNeil, Ava Walker, Calum MacNeil, Ross Galbraith, Jamie MacNeil & Seonaidh MacLean.
Craigston Vigil Mass time: is at 6.00pm each Saturday evening.
Fr David Stewart: over the years we have gotten to know Fr David well. He often comes to the island to let Canon John Paul get away. Last Monday (15th April) Fr David’s mother who was called Isobel Stewart peacefully passed away in Paisley- she was 94. Canon John Paul told Fr David that we will keep his dear mum Isobel in our prayers and pray for her eternal rest and also to pray for him and all the family and relatives at this time. May she rest in peace. Amen.
First Holy Communions: a reminder that the First Holy Communions on the island will take place on Sunday 2nd June which is the Feast of Corpus Christi and we look forward to 12 Children making their first holy communion in Northbay Church or Castlebay Church. We pray for Cairistiona Campbell; Kalle Currie; Katie MacLeod; Charlotte MacNeil; Calum MacLeod; Kian MacNeil-Smyth; Archie MacNeil; Owen Galbraith; Eilidh MacLennan; Amelia Monk; Ellis MacDonald & Monica MacLeod. Let us keep the children in our prayers as they prepare for their first holy communion.