Bhileag (Newsletter) 9th June 2024


Mon 10th June……….  11.00am VATERSAY

(Requiem Mass of Peggy MacNeil)

Tue 11th June………  10.00am EOLIGARRY

Wed 12th June….. 12 Noon CRAIGSTON

Thu 13th June……… 10.00am NORTHBAY

Fri 14th June………..   10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 15th June……… 10.00am CASTLEBAY


NEXT WEEKEND:   15th  & 16th  June  2024

11th Sunday of Year B

Vigil Mass (Saturday)….. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses..9.30am   NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY


Sacrament of Confession: Every Saturday 9.30am – 9.50am Castlebay and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay




Funeral: the funeral of Peggy MacNeil will be in Our Lady of the Waves & St. John on Vatersay on Monday 10th June at 11am and after the Requiem Mass Peggy will be laid to rest in Vatersay graveyard. We extend our prayers of love & sympathy to all the family at this time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon. May she rest in peace. Amen.


Led by the Spirit Phase 3: Please take home Bishop Brian’s Pastoral Letter concerning Led by the Spirit Phase 3. The bishop reflects on our call to holiness and our mission of proclaiming Christ. In our much-changed environment what steps are needed to faithfully fulfil our mission? Discernment calls for boldness, honesty and respectful listening but especially for an openness to the Spirit’s promptings. Everyone is encouraged to participate. The method for the parish gatherings will be the conversation in the Spirit. Background information about Conversation in the Spirit, lay ministries and potential Church structures can be found on


Day for Life Collection: next weekend (15th/16th June) there will be a second collection for the Apostolate of Life-“Day for Life”. A day we remember and pray for the sanctity of all life, from the unborn child to the dying and elderly- to respect and care for the dignity of all life.


LOUDfence – Solidarity with Survivors: Argyll & the Isles will host a LOUDfence event at St Columba’s Cathedral, Oban to acknowledge victims and survivors of abuse from every setting. The event will take place on Sunday 30thJune (beginning with 10.30am Mass) and Monday 1st July. Loud (brightly coloured) messages and ribbons of support will be attached to a fence in the Cathedral grounds giving people a voice and raising awareness. If you would like to express support please email the Diocesan office and Katie will help you. Email with your message by Thursday 27th June, which will be printed, laminated and included on the fence. LOUDfence was started by Antonia Suboki, a Catholic lay woman, and the initiative was recently endorsed by Pope France. Our diocese will be the first to hold a LOUDfence event in Scotland.


Fisherman’s Mass & Blessing of Boats: is planned for Sunday 7th July at Castlebay pier.


Canon John Paul silver anniversary of Priesthood: Canon John Paul celebrates his Silver Anniversary (25 Years) of his Priesthood in June. Canon John Paul will mark the special occasion of his anniversary with an outdoor Mass at Northbay Grotto on Sunday 23rd June at 2.30pm and afterwards food and refreshments in the Church grounds. Everyone welcome!


Sunday 23rd June: please note that on Sunday 23rd June there will be NO 9.30am Mass in Northbay. Instead there will be the 2.30pm Mass at Northbay Grotto. There will be the 11.30am Sunday Mass in Castlebay and the Vigil in Craigston on Saturday.


Choir rehearsal: if you wish to help in the singing at the Silver Anniversary Mass of Canon John Paul there will be a choir practice on Sunday 16th June in Northbay Hall at 2pm. Canon John Paul has asked Pauline MacDonald (over in South Uist) to lead the practice. Pauline led the music at Canon John Paul’s Ordination 25 years ago in St. Peter’s Daliburgh. So it’s a lovely connection 25 years on for the Anniversary Mass.