Bhileag (Newsletter) 19th January 2025


Mon 20th January…….No Mass

Tue 21st January………10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 22nd January…… 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thu 23rd  January…….10.00am  NORTHBAY

Fri 24th January……….10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 25th January………10.00am  CASTLEBAY


NEXT WEEKEND:    25th & 26th January 2025

( 3rd Sunday of Year C)

Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..4.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY

Sacrament of Confession: Every Saturday from 9.30am – 9.50am in Castlebay and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay




Jubilee Year Deanery Masses: It is hoped that within the Diocese there will be “Deanery Masses of Hope” celebrated at different points in the year. We have three Deaneries in the Diocese. Therefore three Masses will be organised. It is hoped that between May – September a Deanery Mass will be organised somewhere within our islands along with Bishop Brian. More details will be announced over time.


Diocesan Jubilee Cross: In the Cathedral in Oban Bishop Brian has blessed a special Jubilee Cross for the Diocese. It is planned that this Cross will do a tour of the Diocese over the coming Jubilee year and it will be welcomed into many of our churches throughout the Diocese.


Deanery Meeting: The local island priests plan to meet on Thursday 6th February over on South Uist to look at plans for Jubilee Year celebrations for our Deanery.


Deanery Pilgrimages & Iona Pilgrimage: over this Jubilee year as well as a pilgrimage to Rome it will be nice to have places within the Diocese for “closer to home” pilgrimages. There is planned a Pilgrimage to Iona around the feast of St. Columba (9th June). More announcements will be made of when and where these local pilgrimage will take place.


Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome: for those interested Fr Stan in Morar Parish is looking into a Diocesan pilgrimage to Rome in September of this year. Possible dates are 22nd-26th September. More details will be announced by Fr Stan.


New Diocesan Website: please note that from Friday 17th January there is now a new updated Diocesan Website:-


Led by the Spirit Collated Report & Bishop’s Response: Bishop Brian wishes to thank everyone who has contributed to Led by the Spirit (LBS). The individual parish reports from LBS Phase 3 have now been collated and published online at- Bishop Brian has published his response and a draft Action Plan for implementing LBS’s fruits. This can also be seen on If you wish to be consulted on the Action Plan please join the online meeting on Wednesday 19th February at 6.30pm-click on


Sacrament Classes: the School will start the First Confession/Holy Communion classes soon. There are 12 Children preparing for the First Confession/First Holy Communion. Also the Confirmation classes will begin soon and there are 11 Children preparing for Confirmation. All Children who are preparing for the Sacraments should be coming along to Sunday Mass too.


Date for Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Brian will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation upon the children on Saturday 10th May in Our Lady Star of the Sea.


Grief to Grace Retreat: a healing retreat for victims of abuse will take place from 29th April -4th May 2025 in Perth. Grief to Grace is a specialised 5 day programme of spiritual and psychological healing for anyone who has suffered from sexual, physical or emotional abuse or neglect in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, including those abused by a religious or member of the clergy. If you are interested in this confidential healing retreat, please contact Grief to Grace Scotland at