Bhileag (Newsletter) 22nd December 2024


Mon 23rd December………..No Mass


Tue 24th December(Christmas Eve)

6.30pm NORTHBAY FAMILY MASS (6.15pm Carol Service)

9.00pm  VATERSAY

11.00pm  CRAIGSTON (10.45pm Carol Service)

Wed 25th  December(Christmas Day)




Thu 26th December……..12 Noon  NORTHBAY

Fri 27th December……….. 12 Noon  VATERSAY

Sat 28th December……….10.00am  CASTLEBAY


NEXT WEEKEND: 28th & 29th  December 2024

( Feast of the Holy Family)

Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..4.00pm   CRAIGSTON **

Sunday Masses…..9.30am  NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY

Sacrament of Confession: Each Saturday from 9.30am -9.50am in Castlebay and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay




Christmas Church cleaning & decorations: Canon John Paul wishes to thank everyone who has helped clean our Churches and put up the Christmas decorations in preparation for Christmas. Moran Taing Uile.


Sacrament of Confession: Canon John Paul will available on Monday 23rd December in Castlebay Church from 11am-11.45am for Confession.


Christmas Mass Times: Holy Mass for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day will be celebrated in each of our 5 churches by Canon John Paul. Please note the times and places of the Masses. Christmas is such an important time to go to Mass and receive the beautiful blessings of  the Lord Jesus upon ourselves and our families.


Christmas Day Music: The music at the 11.30am Castlebay Mass will be proved by some of the Teenagers of the parish. Come along and support them and join in with the Christmas Carols during Mass.


Jubilee Year: Pope Francis begins the Jubilee Year on Christmas Eve in Rome. Then the whole year of 2025 will be a special Jubilee Year (a Holy Year) and the theme for the year will be “Pilgrims of Hope”. A Holy Door will be opened by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve for Pilgrims to enter through if they visit Rome during the Jubilee Year. Bishop Brian has appointed Fr Stan Pamula (the Parish Priest of Mallaig & Arisaig) as the Diocesan

co-ordinator for this Jubilee Year for our Diocese. Therefore Fr. Stan will keep us updated on what is happening for the Year of Hope. Pope Francis urges Catholics from all over the World to go on a pilgrimage to Rome in 2025 for the Jubilee Year. It is planned that a Diocesan Pilgrimage will be organised to go to Rome (maybe around September 2025). More details and information will appear in the newsletter over the next few months.


Canon John Paul wishes everyone a very Happy & Holy Christmas.

May the blessings of the Lord Jesus come down upon you

and all your families at this holy time….. Nollaig Chridheil uile!