Bhileag (Newsletter) 16th February 2025


Mon 17th February……..No Mass

Tue 18th February……..10.00am EOLIGARRY

Wed 19th February…… 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thu 20th February……10.00am  NORTHBAY

Fri 21st February………10.00am  VATERSAY

Sat 22nd February…….10.00am  CASTLEBAY


NEXT WEEKEND: 22nd  & 23rd  February 2025

( 7th Sunday of Year C)

Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..4.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses….9.30am  NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY


Sacrament of Confession: Every Saturday from 9.30am – 9.50am in Castlebay and12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay




Prayers for the sick: a prayer for the father of one of our priests. Canon William MacLean is the parish priest of Stornoway. His dad Bob MacLean is very ill in Hospital in Stornoway. We pray for Bob who is having end of life care and we pray for Canon William at this difficult time.


Parish 200 Club: There will be a slight delay in getting the subscriptions for the Parish 200 club. Hopefully soon we will start to gather the subscriptions for the year and begin the monthly draws.


New Sunday Missal: In Castlebay & Northbay Churches there are some new Sunday Missals for sale. The red Missal is £20 and the burgundy Missal is £30.


Jubilee Year Deanery Mass: It is hoped that within the Diocese there will be “Deanery Masses of Hope” celebrated at different points in the year. We have three Deaneries in the Diocese. Therefore three Masses will be organised with Bishop Brian. It is planned that the Island Deanery will hold the Jubilee Mass here on Barra. We are possibly looking at the 1st weekend of August-maybe Sunday 3rd August. We might look at the possibility of an outdoor Mass at Northbay Grotto. More details will be anoounced.


Diocesan Jubilee Cross: In the Cathedral in Oban Bishop Brian has blessed a special Jubilee Cross for the Diocese. It is planned that this Cross will do a tour of the Diocese over the coming Jubilee year and it will be welcomed into many of our churches throughout the Diocese. Hopefully when the Deanery Mass takes place on Barra the Jubilee Cross will be present and then it will go from Barra to Eriskay to South Uist and Benbecula and Stornoway.


Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome: for those interested Fr Stan in Morar Parish is looking into a Diocesan pilgrimage to Rome in September of this year. Possible dates are 22nd-26th September. More details will be announced by Fr Stan.


Led by the Spirit Collated Report and Bishop’s Response: Bishop Brian thanks everyone who has contributed to Led by the Spirit (LBS). The individual parish reports from LBS Phase 3 have now been collated and published on Bishop Brian has published his response and a draft Action Plan for implementing LBS’s fruits. This can also be seen on If you wish to be consulted on the Action Plan please join the online meeting for parishioners on Wednesday 19th February at 6.30pm. To register please click on