Bhileag (Newsletter) 2nd February 2025
Mon 3rd February……No Mass
Tue 4th February…….10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 5th February……12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thu 6th February…….No Mass
Fri 7th February………No Mass
Sat 8th February……10.00am CASTLEBAY
NEXT WEEKEND: 8th & 9th February 2025
( 5th Sunday of Year C)
Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..4.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confession: Every Saturday from 9.30am – 9.50am in Castlebay and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay
Deanery Meeting: The local island priests will be meeting this coming Thursday (6th February) over on South Uist to look at plans for Jubilee Year celebrations for our Deanery. Canon John Paul will be going over for the meeting.
Candlemas: today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas) and on this day we bless candles because Jesus is “the light of the world”. Candles will be blessed at all Mass and you are welcome to take a candle home with you.
St. Blaise Blessing: After the Feast of Candlemas we have the feast of St. Blaise and a popular day for a special blessing of throats. Please note after Mass on Tuesday (Eoligarry) and Wednesday (Craigston) this coming week Canon John Paul will give the blessing of St. Blaise after those Masses.
Northbay Tea: today is the first Sunday of the month and there will be tea & Coffee & home baking in the Hall after the Northbay 9.30am Mass. All welcome!
Thursday & Friday Mass: please note there will be no Mass on Thursday & Friday this week. Canon John Paul will be over on South Uist attending the Deanery Meeting.
New Sunday Missal: In Castlebay & Northbay Churches there are some new Sunday Missals for sale. The red Missal is £20 and the burgundy Missal is £30.
Jubilee Year Deanery Masses: It is hoped that within the Diocese there will be “Deanery Masses of Hope” celebrated at different points in the year. We have three Deaneries in the Diocese. Therefore three Masses will be organised with Bishop Brian.
Diocesan Jubilee Cross: In the Cathedral Bishop Brian has blessed a special Jubilee Cross for the Diocese. It is planned that this Cross will do a tour of the Diocese over the coming Jubilee year and it will be welcomed into many of our churches throughout the Diocese.
Deanery Pilgrimages & Iona Pilgrimage: over this Jubilee year as well as a pilgrimage to Rome it will be nice to have places within the Diocese for “closer to home” pilgrimages. There is planned a Pilgrimage to Iona around the feast of St. Columba (9th June). More announcements will be made of when and where these local pilgrimage will take place.
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Rome: for those interested Fr Stan in Morar Parish is looking into a Diocesan pilgrimage to Rome in September of this year. Possible dates are 22nd-26th September. More details will be announced by Fr Stan.