Bhileag (Newsletter) 8th September 2024


Mon 9th September……..No Mass

Tue 10th September…….No Mass

Wed 11th September….. No Mass

Thu 12th September…….No Mass

Fri 13th September……….10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 14th September………10.00am  CASTLEBAY


NEXT WEEKEND:  14th & 15th September 2024

24th Sunday Year B

Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..6.00pm  CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY

Sacrament of Confession: Saturday from 9.30am-9.50am in Castlebay and 12noon-12.30pm  in Northbay




Recent Funeral: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Dolly Galloway (Dolly Ramain from Glen) who peacefully passed away on Monday 2nd September in St. Brendan’s Home aged 87. The Requiem Mass took place on Friday 6th September in Our Lady of the Waves & St. John on Vatersay and thereafter Dolly was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to all Dolly’s family at this time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.


Diocesan Clergy Assembly: the Annual meeting of the “Clergy Assembly” will be in Oban this week (Tuesday 10th September till Thursday 12th September). The Assembly this year will be focused on the “Led by the Spirit” consultation. Bishop Brian and the Priests of the Diocese will come together to pray, listen and share together and discern ways the Diocese can move forward in these times. Canon John Paul will head over to Oban for the Clergy Assembly.


Children’s Liturgy & PVG Forms: Some parents have come forward to ask if they can start again the Children’s Liturgy on a Sunday morning during Mass time. To be able to help in the Children’s Liturgy you will have to fill in a PVG Form for safeguarding reasons. There are some parents in the parish who already are in the PVG Scheme in the Church and can renew your PVG form if you wish. Please let Canon John Paul know if you wish to help with the Children’s Liturgy and that you are happy to fill in a PVG form. In Castlebay Parish you can speak with Jackie Sinclair and in Northbay Parish with Sineag MacKinnon about filling in the PVG forms.


Housebound / Lapaich: Canon John Paul is keen to update his list for visiting the Housebound around the island. If there is someone you know who cannot get along to church and would like a visit from the Priest with the Sacraments (especially with Holy Communion)- then please let Canon John Paul know and he will organise his visits to the Housebound (Lapaich).


Vocations Awareness week: this coming week the church unites in praying for more Vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. If someone feels they have a Vocation then please chat with Canon John Paul how to take it further.


Special Collection: next weekend (Sunday 15th September) There will be a special collection for Ecclesiastical Students Fund.


Led by the Spirit Consultation: Go online to and read all about the 3rd phase of the Consultation. Pick up the Bishops Pastoral letter and read it again. It’s important that we come together and reflect and pray on the following questions-

  1. How do we live out our call to holiness now and in the future- in a way that prepares us for a changing Diocese? That is, how can we better live out our mission, knowing the potential yet also the limits of our shared Diocesan life?
  2. What is being asked of me individually or of our parish and of our diocese and what needs to develop or change in me, in my parish and in the diocese?

If you have the time please come along to the meeting which will be on Sunday 15th September in St. Barr’s Hall at 3pm. It will be great to have a mixture of ages being present at the meeting from all corners of the island.

During the meeting anyone can speak and speak freely about what the Holy Spirit is guiding them in answering those two questions.

The answers will all be written down and gathered together and then sent to the Diocese so that Bishop Brian and his Consultation group can see what parishioners from around the Diocese are feeling is important.

We do all have to look forward as a Diocese and your thoughts are very important in how we can make move forward as a Diocese.