Bhileag (Newsletter) 4th August 2024
Mon 5th August……No Mass
Tue 6th August……No Mass
Wed 7th August…..No Mass
Thu 8th August…..No Mass
Fri 9th August………10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 10th August……10.00am CASTLEBAY
NEXT WEEKEND: 10th & 11th AUGUST 2024
19th Sunday Year B
Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confession: Saturday from 9.30am-9.50am in Castlebay and 12noon-12.30pm in Northbay
Fr John Winstanley: we warmly welcome Fr John to the island and to our parishes. Fr John is on holiday from the Diocese of Lancaster in North England- he looks after the parishes of Penrith and Appleby. He has visited Barra & Vatersay a couple of times before. He will be staying till Saturday 10th August over in the Chapel House on Vatersay. Fr John recent celebrated his Silver Jubilee of Priesthood too. We congratulate him on his Silver anniversary of Priesthood and we wish him every health, joy and happiness in many more years of Priesthood. Fr John Winstanley will celebrate this weekend’s Masses.
Please note that Fr John a number of years ago had an infection on his vocal chords and it has sadly left some permanent damage in how he speaks. Sometimes his voice can get very tired and weak when he speaks during Mass. With the aid of the microphone and our speakers in Craigston, Northbay & Castlebay Churches it should be fine.
Canon John Paul: is away this weekend on the mainland. While he is away Fr John Winstanley will celebrate the Weekend Masses. If anyone needs to contact Canon John Paul then please phone his mobile 07951128475. Canon John Paul will return on Thursday 8th August.
Weekday Mass: no weekday Mass from Monday to Thursday this coming week.
Recent Baptisms: we warmly welcome into the family of the Church Leah MacLennan & Òran Neil Davidson who were baptised last Saturday 27th July. Leah was baptised in St. Barr’s Church Northbay and Oran was baptised in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church in Castlebay. We wish Leah & Oran every joy, peace, health, love and happiness and every blessing upon both sets of Parents and Godparents.
Prayers for New Bishop elect of Dunkeld: next Saturday 10th August the Episcopal Ordination of Fr Andrew McKenzie will take place in St. Andrew’s Cathedral in Dundee at 11am. Fr Andrew was a Priest of the Archdiocese of Glasgow. We remember Fr Andrew as he prepares to become the new Bishop of Dunkeld and another Catholic Bishop for Scotland.
Led by the Spirit Consultation: the 3rd phase of the Diocesan Consultation of “Led by the Spirit” is now moving forward. Phase 3 is called Living our Mission-being called to Holiness. Go online to and please read through the resources for Phase 3. Please watch the video clip from Bishop Brian and please read again Bishop Brian’s Pastoral letter. Also have a look at the other resources available on the website. Bishop Brian is keen that we come together as a parish to discuss the thoughts and ideas of phase 3. Hopefully towards the end of the month of August we will have a couple of meetings to look at answering the questions “How do we live out our call to holiness now and in the future in a way that prepares us for a changing Diocese? What is being asked of me individually or of our parish and of our diocese and what needs to develop or change in me, in my parish and in the diocese? They are very deep and meaningful questions we need to ask ourselves. So please look up the Diocesan website page of Led by the Spirit and look over the resources available and then we will plan meetings to discuss the topics and questions raised.