Bhileag (Newsletter) 28th July 2024
Mon 29th July…….No Mass
Tue 30th July…….10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 31st July……12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thu 1st August……11.00am NORTHBAY
(Requiem Mass)
Fri 2nd August……..10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 3rd August……. No Morning Mass
NEXT WEEKEND: 3rd & 4th AUGUST 2024
18th Sunday of Year B
Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Funeral: we pray for the repose of the soul of Flora Dowds who died on the mainland (in Paisley) last Monday 22nd July aged 80. Flora will be received into St. Barr’s Church on Wednesday (31st July) evening when the boat arrives. Flora’s Requiem Mass will take place on Thursday 1st August at 11am in St. Barr’s Northbay and thereafter to Eoligarry Graveyard. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Mike and all the family at this sad time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
Prayers: for the repose of the soul of Bill Walker who passed away in St. Brendan’s Home on Saturday 20th July. Bill was the oldest man on Barra when he died- he was 94. His funeral took place on Wednesday 24th July. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Fr Bernard Fox: wishes to thank everyone for making him feel so welcome last week when he was looking after the parishes.
Special Collection for Bishops Admin Fund: this weekend (27th/28th July) there will be a second collection for the Bishop’s administration Fund. This fund directly supports the pastoral activities and living costs of Bishop Brian in his role as our Bishop. This includes travel expenses when visiting parishes, running his house and his salary which is the same amount as the rest of the priests. Since he is not in a parish these coasts are covered by the Diocese. Any financial support offered towards this fund is gratefully received and in turn helps to reduce the levy borne by our parishes.
Fr John Winstanley: for the next couple of weeks we Fr John on holiday over in the Vatersay Chapel House. Fr John Winstanley is from the Diocese of Lancaster in North England- he looks after the parishes of Penrith and Appleby. He has visited Barra & Vatersay a couple of times before. He will stay from Saturday 27th July till Saturday 10th August. We look forwarding to welcoming Fr John to the island. He will help out at some of the Masses.
Next Weekend: Fr John Winstanley will celebrate the weekend Masses. Please note that Fr John a number of years ago had an infection on his vocal chords and it has sadly left some permanent damage in how he speaks. Sometimes his voice can get very tired and weak. With the aid of the microphone and our speakers in our churches it will help Fr John if he is celebrating Mass.
New Statue of St. Barr for Northbay: we have all heard the news that there are plans to build a new statue of St. Barr on the wee island in the bay of Northbay. It was Margaret Somerville who created the statue and it was placed on the wee island at some point in the mid 1970’s. Now there is a “big push” to replace the statue with a large bronze statue of St. Barr. There is fund raising going on to help achieve this. The aim is to reach £100,000 which is a lot of money. It’s not just a parish campaign but it is an island campaign to raise the funds to erect a new long lasting statue which will stand again out in the bay for all to see. There is online “justgiving” page for the new St. Barr’s statue.