Bhileag (Newsletter) 18th February 2024


Mon19th February…….No Mass

Tue 20th February…….10.00am EOLIGARRY

(+ Stations of the Cross)

Wed 21st February…..  10.00am CRAIGSTON

Thu 22nd February…….10.00am NORTHBAY

Fri 23rd February………10.00am VATERSAY

(+ Stations of the Cross)

Sat24th  February….10.00am  CASTLEBAY



24th & 25th February 2024

2nd Sunday of  Lent – Year B

Vigil (Saturday)……… 4.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses……….. 9.30am  NORTHBAY

11.30am  CASTLEBAY


Sacrament of Confession: every Saturday9.30am-9.50am in Castlebay and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay




Sunday Stations of the Cross: this Sunday (18th Feb)  there will be stations of the cross at 3.00pm in St. Barr’s in Northbay.


Weekday Stations of the Cross: Every Wednesday at 7.00pm in St. Brendan’s Craigston. Also after the 10am Mass on Tuesday in Eoligarry and after the Friday 10am Mass in Vatersay.


Wednesday Mass: please note the Mass in Craigston this coming Wednesday will be at 10am as Canon John Paul will celebrate Mass in Cobhair Bharraigh at 12 Noon.


Thanks: Canon John Paul wishes to thank Bishop Brian and Fr Bernard for looking after the parishes while he was away. Bishop Brian was of course busy with two funerals but he enjoyed the experience of parish life again and looking after the funerals.Fr Bernard will be back in early April to do an appeal on behalf of his missionary order. Moran Taing!


Recent Funerals: when Canon John Paul was away there were two funerals in Northbay Parish. We remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of LENA CALLAGHAN ((Lena Mhìcheil a’ Chrugail) of Northbay who died aged 78 in hospital in Glasgow on Thursday 1st February. Lena’s funeral took place on Tuesday 6th February in St. Barr’s Northbay. We also remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of DOLINA MacINNES (Doll Fhorbais) of Eoligarry who died aged 85 in her own home in Eoligarry on Thursday 1st February. Dolina’s Requiem Mass took place on Monday 5th February in St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Lena and Dolina’s families at this time. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.


Special Collection: next weekend (24th/25th Feb) we will take up a second collection for the Diocesan Pastoral Formation. This fund supports various pastoral initiatives throughout the diocese including safeguarding and developing Youth ministry.


SCIAF Wee Boxes: please pick up a SCIAF envelope as it contains the Wee Box and material from SCIAF.


Parish 200 Club: we can hand in our annual subscription to the parish 200 club. It’s £12.


Lourdes Pilgrimage: so we now have 16 confirmed names going to Lourdes in May. Names and details have now been forwarded to the Pilgrimage director. In the next couple of weeks we will meet to discuss final details.


New Bishop of Dunkeld: we remember in our prayers Fr. Martin Chambers (parish priest of Troon) who has been nominated as the new Bishop of Dunkeld. We will soon have a full Bishops Conference with every Diocese in Scotland having a Bishop which is good news for our Country. Let us remember Fr Martin as he now prepares for his Episcopal Ordination.


Brecbannoch Pilgrimage 2024: this year’s walking pilgrimage from Oban to Iona Abbey will take place from 7th -10th June 2024. The purpose of the pilgrimage is to pray and make penance for the evangelisation of Scotland and for the sanctity of her priests. Pilgrims will walk 3 days, carrying the relics of St. Columba across the island of Mull until they reach Iona Abbey, where Holy Mass and a solemn procession will take place on the solemnity of St. Columba. The deadline for bookings is 28th February. It is for over 18’s.  For more information visit the website-