Bhileag (newsletter) 4th February 2024
Mon 5th February……..10.00am CASTLEBAY
Tue 6th February……..No Mass
Wed 7th February….. No Mass
Thu 8th February…….No Mass
Fri 9th February………10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 10th February……10.00am CASTLEBAY
10th & 11th February 2024
6th Sunday of Year B
Vigil (Saturday)….4.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confession: every Saturday 9.30am-9.50am in Castlebay and 12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay
Bishop Brian McGee: a warm welcome to Bishop Brian who is with us this weekend to look after the weekend Masses while Canon John Paul is away. We hope the weather will be kind to him while he is with us. Bishop Brian leaves on the boat on Tuesday (6th Feb). Bishop Brian will visit Castlebay School & Eoligarry School on Monday (5th Feb) and chat to the children preparing for the sacraments this year.
Canon John Paul away: Canon John Paul is away on a Holiday from Thursday 2nd February till Tuesday 13th February. He will be back on Shrove Tuesday in time for Ash Wednesday. While Canon John Paul is away Bishop Brian will cover the weekend Masses of 3rd/4th February and Fr Bernard Fox will cover the weekend of 10th/11th February. Canon John Paul is very grateful to Bishop Brian & Fr Bernard for looking after the weekend Masses.
Fr. Bernard Fox: please note that Fr Bernard Fox will come to the island on Thursday afternoon ( 8th February) by plane and will stay till Tuesday 13th February. Fr. Bernard is a Mill hill Missionary Priest based in Cardonald in Glasgow.
Monday Mass: please note there will be Mass on Monday (5th Feb) this week since we have Bishop Brian in the parish. The Mass will be in Castlebay at 10am.
Parish 200 club: subscriptions of £12 can be handed into the chapel house or to leave in the Sunday collection plate or leave at the Post office/Buth Bhuidsear. Make sure you put the money in an envelope with your name on it. Thank you.
Tea after Northbay Mass: usually on the 1st Sunday of the month we have tea in Northbay Hall after the 9.30am Sunday Mass. Therefore after Sunday Mass today there will be tea/coffee in Northbay Hall. All Welcome.
Candlemas Candles: Candles will be left out in Castlebay Church and Northbay Church. You are welcome to take home a candle and to leave a donation. Thank You!
Lourdes Pilgrimage: we will confirm those who would still like to go to Lourdes in May this year. If you would still like to go then please let Canon John Paul know so that we have organise a final list of names. It will be 15th-19th May.
Prayer Books for the Season of Lent: There are prayer books available for adults and children for Lent. They are £1.00.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: they are in the large A4 SCIAF Envelopes in the Church. Please pick one up.
Ash Wednesday: is on Wednesday 14th February and we begin the Season of Lent. It is an important day to receive the cross of ash upon our foreheads and enter the penitential time of the 40 days of Lent. Please note there will be three Masses and three services. You are welcome to attend one of the services if it helps you.
9.20am Eoligarry School- Service
10.00am Northbay Mass
11.30am Castlebay School- Service
12.30pm Craigston Mass
2.30pm St. Brendan’s Home- Service
7.00pm Castlebay Mass