Bhileag (Newsletter) 17th December 2023


Mon 18th December……No Mass

Tues 19th December……10.00am EOLIGARRY

Wed 20th December…..10.00am CRAIGSTON

Thur 21st December……9.30am  NORTHBAY

Frid 22nd December…….10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 23rd December…….. 10.00am CASTLEBAY



23rd  & 24th DECEMBER 2023

4th Sunday of Advent B

Vigil (Saturday)……….4.00pm   CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses………..No Mass at 9.30am

11.30am  CASTLEBAY


Christmas Eve Masses

6.30pm  NORTHBAY Family Mass (6.15pm Carol Service)

9.00pm  VATERSAY

11.00pm CRAIGSTON  (10.45pm Carol Service)


Christmas Day Masses


11.30am CASTLEBAY Family Mass



4th Sunday of Advent: next Sunday is the 24th December and it is also the 4th Sunday of Advent and we are still obliged to go to Sunday Mass to celebrate the 4th Sunday of Advent. There will be the normal Vigil Mass on Saturday (23rd Dec) at 4.00pm in Craigston. However please note that there WILL ONLY BE ONE Mass on Sunday morning and it will be at 11.30am in Castlebay. There will be NO 9.30am Mass in Northbay next Sunday. The reason for this is so that Canon John Paul will be able to prepare for the Christmas Eve Masses.


Prayers: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Flora Henderson (MacPhee) who peacefully passed away on Wednesday 13th December in England at the age of 64. Earlier this year Flora was diagnosed with MND (motor neurone disease) and it was a very quick illness. The plan is for Flora’s funeral to take place on Barra and this will probably be after the New Year. We extend our prayers of love & sympathy to all Flora’s family at this sad time.


Craigston & Northbay Mass this week: please note that the weekday Mass in Craigston Church this week will again be at 10.00am and the Mass on Thursday in Northbay will be earlier at 9.30am.


Sacrament of Confession: A good way to prepare for the Feast of Christmas is to receive the Sacrament of Confession. If the weather is fine and the boat is sailing from Eriskay on Wednesday- then Fr Ross Crichton will be over to hear Confessions on Wednesday morning.

Sunday 17th December

3.00pm-3.45pm CRAIGSTON (Canon John Paul)

Wednesday 20th December

11.15am-12.15pm  NORTHBAY  (Fr Ross Crichton)

1.00pm -2.00pm    CASTLEBAY (Fr Ross Crichton)

Friday 22nd December

10.30am-11.00am  VATERSAY   (Canon John Paul)

Saturday 23rd December

9.30am – 9.50am  CASTLEBAY (Canon John Paul)

12 Noon- 12.30am   NORTHBAY  (Canon John Paul)


SCIAF “Real Gifts”: if you are struggling this year what to get a loved one for Christmas why not give something really special like the gift of helping feed a village in Africa, or helping buy a water pump for a village, or buying hens, or pigs or bees or goats for a village. SCIAF are doing amazing things to help our brothers and sisters in need. Go online to


Church cleaning & Christmas Decorations: Canon John Paul wishes to thank everyone who has helped clean and decorate our Churches for Christmas. Moran Taing.