Bhileag (Newsletter) 19th November 2023


Mon 20th November…….No Mass

Tue 21st November……..10.00am EOLIGARRY

Wed 22nd November……12 Noon CRAIGSTON

Thu 23rd  November……10.00am NORTHBAY

Fri 24th November……..10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 25th November…….10.00am CASTLEBAY



25th  & 26th November  2023


Vigil (Saturday)….4.00pm CRAIGSTON *****

Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY


Confessions every Saturday from 9.30am – 9.50am in Castlebay & 12noon -12.30pm in Northbay.




Craigston Vigil Mass at 4pm for Winter: we have now begun a 4.00pm Vigil Mass time for Craigston. From Saturday 4th November until at least March 2024 we will celebrate the Vigil Mass at the earlier time of 4.00pm. When the clocks go forward in 2024 we will move the Vigil Mass time back to 6pm. We will monitor how it goes with this change of vigil time for Winter!!


November Lists: one of the important things that the Church encourages us to do during the month of November is to pray for our faithful departed. The Month of November is often called the “Month of the Holy Souls”. It is a very important prayer to pray for our faithful departed and to help lead all souls to heaven. There are November lists with envelopes available at the church entrance. Please write down on the lists the names of any deceased family, relatives, friends, parishioners you would like to remember and pray for. Once you have filled in your list place the list in an envelope along with your offering. Please pass on the envelope to Canon John Paul or to place in the Sunday offertory basket. These envelopes will then be placed upon the Altar at every Holy Mass and those names you have written will be remembered at every Holy Mass during the month of November.


Graveyard Rosary: Each Sunday in November we will gather to pray the Rosary in each of our graveyards. Please note the times and dates and places. As always if the weather is really poor we will move to the nearest church.

Sunday 19th November EOLIGARRY at 3pm

Sunday 26th November BORVE at 2pm


Sacrament Classes: Canon John Paul has sent out letters through the Schools to see how many children will be preparing for their First Holy Communion (P4) and also the children for the Sacrament of Confirmation (P7).


Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024: we are trying to get the last bits of information about flights and prices for Lourdes in May 2024 and then we will ask for definite names going.


Special Collection: next Sunday we will take up a second collection for Scottish Catholic Education.


Feast of Christ the King: it’s amazing to think that the Feast of Christ the King is next weekend and therefore it brings the Church’s Liturgical year to a close. Then we begin a new church year with the season of Advent and therefore the lead up to Christmas!!


SCIAF “Real Gifts”: if you are struggling this year what to get a loved one for Christmas why not give something really special like the gift of helping feed a village in Africa, or helping buy a water pump for a village, or buying hens, or pigs or bees or goats for a village. SCIAF are doing amazing things to help our brothers and sisters in need. Go online to SCIAF and see the amazing ideas for REAL GIFTS which may inspire you to do something different this year.


Soup & Scone Fundraiser: today on Sunday 19th November there will be the Soup & Scone fundraiser for the Beatson Cancer Centre. The fundraiser is being led by the local Barra Cancer Support Group. It will be from 12noon-2pm in Northbay Hall. All welcome.


Recent Baptism: we warmly welcome into the family of the Church Ross MacIntosh who was baptised on Saturday 18th November in Our Lady Star of the Sea, Castlebay. We wish Ross every health, joy and blessings and every blessing upon his parents and Godparents.