Bhileag (Newsletter) 10th September 2023


Mon 11th September…….No Mass

Tue 12th September……..No Mass

Wed 13th September……No Mass

Thur 14th September…..No Mass

Fri 15th September…….10.00am VATERSAY

Sat 16th September……10.00am CASTLEBAY



16th  & 17th SEPTEMBER  2023

( 24th Sunday of Year A)

Vigil (Saturday)…..6.00pm CRAIGSTON

Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY




Recent Funerals: we pray for the repose of the soul of Flora MacKinnon (Florag a’chodaidh) of Kentangaval/Northbay who passed away last Monday aged 93. Flora had been living in St. Brendan’s Home for the last few years. The Funeral Mass took place on Wednesday 6th September in St. Barr’s Northbay and she was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. We extend our prayers and sympthay to all the family at this time.  Eternal rest grant unto her O lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

We also remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Murdoch Nicholson of Barra & South Uist who passed away last Tuesday in South Uist. The Funeral Mass took place on Saturday 9th September in St. Peter’s Daliburgh and he was laid to rest in Hallan. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon. May he rest in peace. Amen.


Visiting Priest: we have Fr. Joel Liwanag who is a Jesuit Priest based in Edinburgh staying on Vatersay for a spiritual retreat. Fr. Joel stays in the same Jesuit house as Fr. David Stewart who often comes here to the island to supply for Canon John Paul. Fr. Joel comes from the Philippines and he has been in working in Scotland for the last five years. He has helped out in various parishes in our Diocese. Fr. Joel will look after this weekend Masses. He heads away on Thursday 14th September.


Canon John Paul: is away and attending the Clergy Assembly in Oban this week. He will return on Thursday.


Clergy Assembly: The Priests of the Diocese will meet in Oban for a Clergy Assembly from Tuesday 12th September till Thursday 14th September. Canon John Paul will be attending the meetings.


Special Collection: next weekend we will take up a special collection for the Ecclesiastical students fund of the Diocese.


Eoligarry Church 60th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving: Eoligarry Church opened in 1963 and therefore this year marks the 60th anniversary of the opening of St. Vincent de Paul in Eoligarry. Canon John Paul will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Wednesday 27th September at 6.00pm in Eoligarry Church. After the Mass there will be Tea/coffee & home baking in Eoligarry School. All welcome.Canon John Paul is still interested in any pictures that parishioners might have of St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry???


Diocesan Safeguarding Day: The Diocesan safeguarding day will be online on Saturday 16th September from 11am-1pm. To register simply follow the link on the Diocesan website or facebook page. Once registered you will receive a welcome email with details.


New Altar Servers: are there are children who would like to be an Altar Server? Please speak with Canon John Paul if anyone is interested.


Craigston Vigil Mass Time for Winter???: some parishioners have approached Canon John Paul to ask if the Vigil Mass on Saturday evening (during the winter time) could be moved from 6pm to maybe 4pm? Just for the Winter months when the long dark nights come in! Maybe when clocks go back an hour! Canon John Paul is “open to suggestions” and happy to listen to parishioners thoughts on this. Would you like the Vigil to go to 4.00pm for Winter (from November to February). Or are you happy to keep to 6.00pm?


Led by the Spirit Phase 2 – Consultation on our Diocesan Resources: Bishop Brian has now begun Phase 2 of “Led by the Spirit”. If you go online and go to the Website and all the information is there. Bishop Brian wants us to see what the Diocese is all about and who makes up the Diocese from Bishop, Priests and religious and numbers of  lay people in our parishes. Pointing out the statistics of those who go along to Sunday Mass. Also highlighted are the finances of every parish. Go along to the website and see what phase 2 is all about it.