Bhileag (Newsletter) 13th August 2023
Mon 14th August……..No Mass
Tue 15th August (The Assumption of Our Lady)
10.00am NORTHBAY
Wed 16th August………12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thur 17th August……..10.00am EOLIGARRY
Fri 18th August………..10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 19th August……….10.00am CASTLEBAY
19th & 20th August 2023
20th Sunday of Year A
Vigil (Saturday)….6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses….9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confession is every Saturday from 9.30am – 9.50am in Castlebay Church and12 Noon-12.30pm in Northbay Church
The Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady: this coming week on Tuesday 15th August is the beautiful Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady. It is a Holyday of Obligation. A day we are obliged to attend Mass. Please note there are two Masses that day. The morning Mass is at 10.00am Northbay and evening Mass is at 7.00pm Castlebay.
Mission Appeal of The Spiritans: A warm welcome to Fr. Ricky to our parishes. Fr. Ricky Mallya is from the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers) in Carfin and he is with us this weekend to do a Mission appeal on behalf of his missionary order. Therefore during all the Sunday Masses this weekend Fr. Ricky will preach and tell us of the good work of the Mission of the Spiritans. There will be a 2nd collection at each Mass for the Spiritans (Holy Ghost Fathers).
Tuesday & Thursday Mass: this week the Tuesday Mass will be in Northbay at 10am and the Thursday Mass will be in Eoligarry at 10am.
Sick & Retired Priests Collection: next weekend of the 19th/20th August there will be a Diocesan special collection uplifted from all parishes throughout the Diocese to help support our sick & Retired Priests of the Diocese. It is an important collection for our Diocese as we support our Priests who are retired and those who are sick. Please be as generous as you can towards this collection.
Eoligarry Church 60th Anniversary: Eoligarry Church opened in 1963 and therefore this year marks the 60th anniversary of the Church of St. Vincent de Paul in Eoligarry opening. The Church was opened in 1963 by Bishop Stephen McGill and the parish Priest at the time was Fr. Archie MacMaster. The Feast day of St. Vincent de Paul is 27th September. Therefore Canon John Paul plans to celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving on Wednesday 27th September in Eoligarry, probably in the evening. More details will be announced!
Pictures of Eoligarry Church: Canon John Paul is interested in any pictures that parishioners might have of St. Vincent’s in Eoligarry. Do you have any pictures of the church being built back in 1963 or any pictures of celebrations which have taken place in the church like Baptisms, First Holy Communion, weddings etc?? Canon John Paul would like to see any pictures and possibly put them into an order of service for the anniversary Mass on the 27th September.
Recent Baptism: We warmly welcome into the family of the Church Ella Mae MacLean who was baptised last Sunday in St. Brendan’s in Craigston. We wish every health, happiness and blessing upon Ella Mae and upon her parents Kyle & Hayley and the Godparents.
Castlebay Church Clock update: last Wednesday we had an engineer arrive from “Smiths of Derby” who are the Clock specialists for Churches and all large buildings. It was “Smiths of Derby” that put the clock there in 1890!! Maintenance work was done to the Clock mechanism and it is working again. So the bell is chiming again which is nice to hear again! Of course there is extra work on the outside of the clock needed to be done but that will happen when one day we will have to put scaffolding up around the church tower to sort out the re-pointing of the Church.
Castlebay Church Doors: new doors have been made for the main door and side door of Castlebay Church. The last doors where so weather beaten and slowly falling apart. So new doors were made and then given plenty coats of paint to prepare for the Barra weather!
Northbay Church: on the first Sunday of each month you are welcome after Sunday Mass to Tea/Coffee and baking in the Chapel Hall.