Bhileag (Newsletter) 27th October 2024


Mon 28th October……..No Mass

Tue 29th  October…….10.00am  EOLIGARRY

Wed 30th  October…. 12 Noon  CRAIGSTON

Thu 31st  October…….12 Noon NORTHBAY

(Requiem Mass of Mainie MacNeil)

Fri 1st November  (All Saints Day)



Sat 2nd November…..10.00am  CASTLEBAY

(All Souls Day)



2nd & 3rd NOVEMBER 2024

30th Sunday Year B

Vigil Mass (Saturday)…..4.00pm   CRAIGSTON **

Sunday Masses…..9.30am   NORTHBAY & 11.30am  CASTLEBAY

Sacrament of Confession: Each Saturday from 9.30am -9.50am in Castlebay and 12Noon-12.30pm in Northbay




Requiem Mass: we pray for the repose of the soul of Mary Flora MacNeil or Mainie as we all knew her. Mainie has not been keeping well for a long time. She was latterly in St. Brendan’s Hospital and she peacefully passed away in the early hours of Tuesday (29th Oct) morning. Mainie’s Requiem Mass will be on Thursday 31st October at 12 Noon in St. Barr’s Northbay and afterwards Mainie will be laid to rest in Eoligarry Graveyard. We extend our prayers of love and sympathy to Laura  and all the family & relatives at this time. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.


Last weekend: sadly the bad weather last weekend caused problems for the supply priest (Fr William Crombie) getting to Barra. The flight did take off from Glasgow and the plane circled around Barra but could not land. Fr Crombie then had to return to Glasgow. The Only option then was a Calmac boat from Oban on Saturday but there were too many uncertainties with bad weather and sailings etc. Also with the named Storm (Storm Ashley) last Sunday it was best for all to stay at home and keep safe. Fr Crombie was really looking forward to coming. Sadly when the weather and travel are against you there is nothing more you can do! Anyway we hope in the future he may come back and supply.


October Devotions: this is the last Sunday of October and there will be Rosary & Benediction at 3.00pm in St. Barr’s Northbay. Please note 3pm!


Mission Sunday Collection: in October prayers are being offered for the good work of all those who work in the Mission of the Church-especially our Missionary Priests and Missionary Religious Brothers & Sisters and so many wonderful Lay Faithful. Today we will take up a special collection for MISSIO Scotland. There are Missio Magazines called “WE ARE MISSION” available in the Church porch -Please pick one up and take home and read all about the Mission of the Church.


Holyday of Obligation: Next Friday is the 1st November and we begin the month with the Solemnity of ALL SAINTS and it is a Holyday of Obligation. There will be three Masses…… 10.00am NORTHBAY & VATERSAY and then 7.00pm in CASTLEBAY.


The month of November: is the month of the Holy Souls. It is an important month when prayers are said for our deceased parishioners, family, relatives and friends. We have the lovely custom of our “November dead lists”. Please pick up a list and an envelope and write down on the list the names of those deceased members of your family you would like to pray for at Mass. All November lists will be placed upon the Altar at every Mass so that they will be remembered through the month of November.


Graveyard Rosary: during the month of November we will pray the Rosary at one of our graveyards each Sunday. It is a very important to pray for our faithful departed and especially to pray the Rosary. The Rosary will be prayed on Sunday 3rd November at 3pm at BORVE Graveyard; Sunday 10th November at 3pm  at VATERSAY Graveyard; Sunday 17th November at 3pm at CUITHIR Graveyard and then lastly on Sunday 24th November at 2pm at EOLIGARRY Graveyard (please note last Sunday of November is at 2pm).


War Memorial Service: Sunday 10th November will be Remembrance Sunday and on that day we gather to pray for those who have died in our Great world Wars and in all wars and to pray always for peace. The War memorial service will be at the War Memorial in Nask at 2.00pm on Sunday 10th November.


Craigston Vigil Mass: last year when the clocks went back we moved the Craigston Vigil Mass time to the earlier time of 4.00pm. It seemed to suit a lot of people. The clocks go back in the early hours of Sunday 27th October. Therefore next Saturday 2nd November we will move the Craigston Vigil to 4.00pm for the winter months. Please pass on this information.


Well Done & Congratulations: to all who won prizes at the National Mòd in Oban recently. Our islands are certainly blessed with a lot of talent.


Welcome to Fr Henry Ponce: on Tuesday 29th October we will have Fr Henry Ponce travelling to the island for a retreat. He will stay in the Vatersay Chapel house for the week. He is a Filipino Jesuit Priest living in the Jesuit House in Edinburgh at the moment. It was Fr David Stewart who pointed him towards having a retreat on Vatersay. Fr Henry will celebrate Mass on Friday at 10am on Vatersay.