Bhileag (newsletter) 28th April 2024
Mon 29th April…….No Mass
Tue 30th April……10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 1st May…… 12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thu 2nd May……10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 3rd May……….10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 4th May……12 Noon CASTLEBAY
(Confirmation Mass with Bishop Brian)
NEXT WEEKEND: 4th & 5th May 2024
6th Sunday of Easter
Vigil Mass (Saturday)….. 6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses…9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Sacrament of Confirmation: Bishop Brian will come to the island this week- on Thursday 2nd May. He will celebrate Mass on Vatersay on Friday 3rd May and he will also visit Castlebay school and St. Brendan’s Home. Then on Saturday 4th May he will confirm 10 Children preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. The Mass will be in Our Lady Star of the Sea at 12 Noon. We pray for Mairi MacNeil, Niamh Davidson, Caralisa MacDougall, Sophie MacNeil, Rachel MacNeil, Ava Walker, Calum MacNeil, Ross Galbraith, Jamie MacNeil & Seonaidh MacLean. Everyone is welcome to come along to the Confirmation Mass. After the Mass refreshments will be in Castlebay School.
Bishop’s Conference Pastoral Letter: Our Scottish Catholic Bishops have written an important Pastoral letter on Assisted Suicide entitled “Called to care, Not to Kill”. Canon John Paul will read out the letter and copies of the Pastoral letter will be available at the church entrance.
St. Barr’s Church Maintenance: many thanks to all who came along and offered their time and talent in helping with the maintenance of St Barr’s church and grounds yesterday. Sadly the weather did not help and prevented some jobs getting done. Therefore next Saturday (4th May) more volunteers are needed to help complete the jobs. Come along at 1pm next Saturday.
Gift Aid Envelopes: can be picked up from Castlebay & Northbay church. Have you thought about signing up for Gift Aid? Please speak with Canon John Paul for more information.
First Holy Communions: the First Holy Communions on the island will take place on Sunday 2nd June which is the Feast of Corpus Christi and we look forward to 12 Children making their first holy communion in Northbay Church or Castlebay Church.
Prayers for those who have died recently: we remember in our prayers the repose of the soul of Finlay MacDonald who died recently in Glasgow. Finlay had lived in Upper Borve for many years but latterly had been living on the mainland. His funeral will take place in Glasgow on Monday 29th April. We extend our prayers of sympathy to Anne and all the family at this time.
We pray the repose of the soul of Angus MacLeod (Aonghas Mhicheill Iain Chalum) who was originally from Allasdale and he died in Glasgow recently. His funeral will take place in Glasgow.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Murdo J. Campbell from Barra & Edinburgh. Murachadh passed away on Tuesday 23rd April aged 73. We extend our prayers of sympathy to Murachadh’s sister Mairi Sine Huntley and to all family and friends at this time.
We also pray the repose of the soul of Rosemary MacQueen who was the niece of Canon Angus J. MacQueen. Rosemary was a frequent visitor to the island. Sadly over the years Rosemary has not kept well and she passed away last Sunday (21st April) in England. Her funeral will be in England but she will be laid to rest on South Uist where the MacQueen family come from in Ardivachar Graveyard in Iochdar.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
St. Barr’s Tea after Mass: next Sunday is the first Sunday of the month of May and so there will be tea/coffee in Northbay Hall after Sunday Mass. All welcome! Bishop Brian will also pop into the hall for a wee cuppa!
Silver Anniversary of Priesthood: this year Canon John Paul celebrates his Silver Anniversary (25 Years) of his Priesthood in June. He was ordained a Priest on 24th June 1999 in his home parish of St. Peters in Daliburgh. Canon John Paul will mark the special occasion of his anniversary with Holy Mass on Sunday 23rd June at 2.30pm and everyone is invited. It will be something similar to what the island celebrated back in 2001 when Fr Donald MacKay celebrated his Silver anniversary and Canon MacQueen celebrated his Golden anniversary. The island came together and celebrated an outdoor Mass at Northbay Grotto. So this is the plan for Canon John Paul’s anniversary- it will be an outdoor Mass at Northbay Grotto on Sunday 23rd June at 2.30pm and afterwards food and refreshments in the Church grounds. More details will be announced soon.