Bhileag (newsletter) 24th March 2024
Mon 25th March……….10.00am VATERSAY
Tue 26th March……….10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 27th March……..12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Holy Thursday 28th March
7.30pm NORTHBAY (Mass of Lord’s Last Supper)
(10.00pm Night Prayer at Altar of repose in Northbay)
Good Friday 29th March
3.00pm CASTLEBAY (The Passion+ Veneration of the Cross)
7.00pm NORTHBAY (Stations of the Cross + Veneration of Cross)
Holy Saturday 30th March
8.30pm CRAIGSTON (Easter Vigil)
30th & 31st March 2024
Sunday Masses.. 9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
Holy Week: This coming week is a very important week as we celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. It really is a very special time for all in our journey of faith. Every Mass and service in Holy Week is so beautiful and so important as we walk our journey to the Cross on Calvary on Good Friday and then celebrate the glory of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Canon John Paul will be on his own celebrating the Holy Week Masses and Services. It is becoming so much harder to get another Priest to help nowadays. The details of the Masses and services are on the Newsletter so please pass the information on and come along to all the Masses and embrace the heart of our Catholic Faith.
Palm Sunday: today Palm Crosses and Palm leaves will be blessed at all the Masses and we will then enter Holy Week.
Sacrament of Confession: a lovely way to prepare for Easter is to make a good confession. Fr Ross has kindly offered to come over on Monday evening (25th March). He will be available in Northbay Church 5.30pm-6.30pm and then Castlebay Church from 7pm-8pm. Canon John Paul will be available on Good Friday from 10am-10.45am in Castlebay and on Holy Saturday from 9.30am-10am in Castlebay and 12noon -12.30pm in Northbay. Please make good use of Fr Ross being a visiting Confessor.
Craigston Church clean for Holy Week: to prepare Craigston Church for Holy week we will have it cleaned this Sunday (24th March) afternoon at 1pm. All welcome to help!
Good Friday Collection: on Good Friday we take up a speciall collection for the Holy Places.
Funeral of Canon Roddy Johnston: Bishop Brian has informed the Diocese of the funeral arrangements for Canon Roddy Johnston. Canon Roddy will be received in St. Columba’s Cathedral on Tuesday 2nd April at 6.30pm. Then on Wednesday 3rd April the Requiem Mass will be at 10.00am in St. Columba’s Cathedral. Afterwards Canon Roddy will be taken to Fort William and will be laid to rest in Glen Nevis cemetery at 1pm. The news of Canon Roddy’s death has been a shock to so many. As we enter Holy Week we remind ourselves that the cross leads to the resurrection. That was what Canon Roddy believed and preached in his priesthood over many years. May the crucified and risen Lord Jesus listen to all our humble prayers for the repose of the soul of Canon Roddy. So we commend his soul to God and pray that God may be gracious and merciful upon his soul and to grant him the fullness of eternal peace in the paradise of heaven. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Recent Funeral: the Funeral of Allan MacLeod took place on Saturday 23rd March in Our Lady Star of the Sea. After the Requiem Mass Allan was laid to rest in Cuithir Cemetery. Allan was a well known character within the island and we extend our prayers of love & sympthay to Allan’s family & friends at this time. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: They can be handed in from Palm Sunday onwards. So if you have your boxes ready just hand them into the church. Thanks.
Sunday “Stations of the Cross”: this Sunday (24th March) there will be Stations of the Cross at 3pm in Northbay.
Easter Sunday Egg Hunt: next Sunday after the Easter Sunday 9.30am Mass in Northbay there will be an Easter egg hunt for the children.
Craigston Vigil Mass time: from Saturday 6th April the Vigil Mass will return to 6.00pm.