Bhileag (Newsletter) 28th May 2023
Mon 29th May……….No Mass
Tue 30th May………10.00am EOLIGARRY
Wed 31st May………12 Noon CRAIGSTON
Thu 1st June……….10.00am NORTHBAY
Fri 2nd June………..10.00am VATERSAY
Sat 3rd June………….10.00am CASTLEBAY
3rd & 4th JUNE 2023
The Most Holy Trinity
Vigil (Saturday)……6.00pm CRAIGSTON
Sunday Masses.9.30am NORTHBAY & 11.30am CASTLEBAY
“Homecoming” Sunday Mass: Next Sunday (4th June) during the 11.30am Sunday Mass in Castlebay Church we will remember those who left these islands back in 1923 to begin a new life in Canada. 100 years ago during a packed Sunday Mass in Castlebay- 90 people after Mass got onto a boat and sailed to a new life in Canada. The Mass will be in Gaelic and it will be lovely to have as many as possible come along to the Mass. The Mass begins the 5 day commemorations on the island for the “Homecoming”. After the Sunday Mass the Fèis Pipe band will lead the congregation down to Castlebay Hall for refreshments. Everyone is welcome.
Lourdes Parish Pilgrimage 2024: there is a meeting planned for this coming Tuesday 30th May at 7.00pm in Cobhair Bharraigh to discuss the possible dates for the Lourdes pilgrimage in 2024. If you are interested in going on the pilgrimage then please come along to the meeting or please get in contact with Canon John Paul so that he can pass on the relevant information to you.
Tour of the Statue of St. Michael the Archangel: The Statue of St. Michael the Archangel is now returning back to the mainland this week. There is a website you can visit which with details of the statue and the reason for the tour–
May Devotions: on this last Sunday of May (the Feast of Pentecost) there will be Rosary & Benediction in Our Lady Star of the Sea at 4.00pm.
SCIAF Wee Boxes: Canon John Paul has sent SCIAF £973.00 from Castlebay parish and £523.35 from Northbay parish from the Wee Boxes which were handed in. Thank you for your generosity.
The Universe Catholic Paper: as we know during the time of Covid-19 restrictions in our Churches all our Catholic Sunday papers stopped printing a paper. Instead they encouraged people to go online. For some a good plan and for others it was not good. Our Scottish Catholic Observer stopped being published but then a magazine started but sadly even that has stopped. However the Universe Catholic paper has now decided to try once again to have a weekly paper copy. If anyone is interested in getting a copy of the Universe Paper Canon John Paul is happy to start a subscription for a certain number of papers. Once Canon John Paul knows how many papers to get then he will organise having them in the church. The Universe Paper will cost £3.50 each week. So have a think and if you wish a copy let Canon John Paul know.
Feast of the Visitation: This year as we approach the Feast of the Visitation (Wednesday 31st May), there is special focus on the upcoming 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops which will focus on the theme of Synodality. The “Synod of Synodality” aims to explore the ways in which the Catholic Church can better engage with its members and encourage greater participation in the life and mission of the church. Pope Francis has asked all Countries to come together in prayer on the Feast of the Visitation. Bishop Brian McGee will be in Carfin Grotto this Wednesday and he will lead a special prayer service for Scotland. The service can be followed online at
Castlebay Church Clock: the clock in Castlebay Church sadly stopped a good six months ago. Canon John Paul has been in touch with the professional firm called “Smiths of Derby” who are the famous clock specialists and they will send one of their engineers. The cost for such work is about £3000 which is a lot of money but it has been a long time since a good service was done. If anyone wishes to make any donations to the cost of the maintenance work of the clock please see canon John Paul.
First Holy Communion Sunday: will be Sunday 11th June. Let us keep in your prayers the 11 children preparing for their First Communion.
Tea in Northbay Hall: on the first Sunday of each month there will be tea in Northbay Hall after the 9.30am Northbay Mass. All welcome!